~~NOCACHE~~ ====== List of Hausa Actors, Actresses, Directors, Producers... ====== Here you'll find a running list (work-in-progress) of all involved in making Hausa films. Realize what a daunting task this is so to make the list as “complete” as possible, we'll need some help. If you're a fan of Hausa films with some knowledge and information and would like to contribute, you can easily [[?do=register|sign up]], [[?do=login|log in]], and [[cast_and_crew/new|start adding]] and editing this list. Your contributions are greatly be appreciated! ---- datatable ---- cols : %pageid%, img_img64, name_page, occupation_tagz2s, age, dob_dt, twitter_page, insta_page, fb_page, youtube_page, pageviews_page filter : type=castcrew and : name!= sort : ^dob_dt ---- [[cast_and_crew/new|+Add]]