====== Armala ======
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**Released** [[:list_of_hausa_films?dataflt=year=2011|2011]] \\ **Director** [[director/Faika Rahi]] \\ **Producer** [[producer/Kumbo Productions]] \\ **Starring** [[actor/Ali Nuhu]], [[actress/sadiya gyale]], [[actor/aminu_shariff]], [[actress/hajara usman]]
===== Plot/Overview =====
Said to be the first Indo-Hausa film...
ARMALA...the widow: an Indo-Hausa movie subtitled in English.
Rahma (Sadiya) finds herself inadvertently married to two men; Mujaheed (Momoh) her first love, and Aliyu (Ali). Aliyu's school love (Sonali) is assumed dead and Aliyu finds solace in Rahma. Meanwhile Mujaheed holds one silent ace, and life places a brutal challenge on all 4 characters. In any game someone has to lose; who becomes the widow?!((http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRPxnVdTOrc))
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