====== Kundin Kannywood ======
**Released** [[:list_of_hausa_films?dataflt=year=2014|2014]] \\
**Directed by** [[actor/aminu_shariff]] \\
**Produced by** [[producer/arewa24]], [[actor/aminu_shariff]] \\
**Starring** [[actor/aminu_shariff]] (main host), [[host/Abubakar Habib Ibrahim]] ([[https://www.instagram.com/ahibrahim1/|insta]], [[https://www.facebook.com/abubakarhabib.ibrahim|fb]]; Fitattun Goma <> Hosts the Top 10 segment) \\
**Language** Hausa \\
**Show Time** Tuesdays (a ranar Talata)
Wannan shiri zai yi nuni akan masana’antar fina-finan Hausa a Arewacin Nigeria. Daya daga cikin manyan jaruman da ake so na Kannywood ma’aikacin AREWA24 Aminu Sharif shine zai rika gabatar da wannan shiri da zai rika tsefe fina-finan sannan ya bawa masu kallo dama suyi tambayoyi akan jarumai da rawar da suke takawa. Sannan zai yi tsokaci akan fiana-finai 10 da suka fi fice a ko wane sati. Kuma zai bi masu shirya fim fagen fama domin dauko wainar da ake toyawa sannan kuma ya tattauna da masu bada umarni, jarumai da sauran su.\\
The 45 minute-long movie magazine show features the breadth and depth of Northern Nigeria’s movie industry: Kannywood. The show is divided into four segments and presented by one of Kannywood’s most beloved actors, Arewa 24′s own Aminu Shariff. The first segment (Sharhin Fina-finai) reviews new and trending Kannywood movies, while segment 2 (Ga Fili Ga Mai Doki — fans ask stars) gives audiences a chance to ask popular Kannywood actors their own questions about their roles, careers, or interests. In part 3, Bayan Fage (Behind the Scenes) with Adamu Umar Mujaheed, our camera crews go on-location to a film set to capture Kannywood in motion and to chat with actors, directors and producers. Each weekly show ends with Fittatu 10 (Top 10), which rates the top grossing Kannywood films based on number of copies sold.
===== Kundin Kannywood Promo =====
===== Hotunan Kundin Kannywood (Photos) =====
===== Kundin Kannywood Episodes (Jerin Shirin) =====
^No.^Title^Published Date^Links and Notes|
|1|[[https://youtu.be/3pHIRC121to|Kannywood Show Episode 1 - Part 1]]|Aug 20, 2014|[[https://www.facebook.com/muhammad.galadima.56|Muhammad Galadima on Facebook]] and [[https://twitter.com/Fistulaman|Twitter]]|
|1|[[https://youtu.be/fWcasu4CKWw|Kannywood Show Episode 1 - Part 2]]|Aug 20, 2014|[[actress:aisha_dan_kano]]; [[film/mai_dalilin_aure_match_maker]]|
|2|[[https://youtu.be/c7QTX3ztK6A|Kannywood Show Episode 2 - Part 1]]|Aug 22, 2014|Muhammad Galadima reviews [[film/hanyar_kano]] and [[film/Zeenat]]|
|2|[[https://youtu.be/hPbWqHM3Vw8|Kannywood Show Episode 2 - Part 2]]|Aug 22, 2014|[[actor/shehu_hassan_kano]]|
|3|[[https://youtu.be/96uiyxXGiGI|Kannywood Show Episode 3 - Part 1]]|Aug 28, 2014|Piracy aka Satar Fasaha/B'arayin Zaune with guest [[producer/abdullahi_sani_abdullahi|Abdullahi Sani Abdullahi]]|
|3|[[https://youtu.be/akyL9USaMV8|Kannywood Show Episode 3 - Part 2]]|Aug 28, 2014|Host [[actor/nura_hussain]] talks with [[actor/sadiq_sani_sadiq]] as he answers questions from Hausa film viewers, [[film/Ƙayar Ruwa]] Behind the Scenes (Starts at around the 14th minute.)|
|4|[[https://youtu.be/T7uEXZ--kic|Kannywood Show Episode 4 - Part 1]]|Sep 5, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with Abdullahi Sani about piracy((Ana asarar kudade kusan akalla 500 million naira ($2.5 million USD) - 1 billion naira ($5 million USD).)) (satar fasaha) and other issues facing the Kannywood film industry.|
|4|[[https://youtu.be/OWIH1-UjjME|Kundin Kannywood 4 - Part 2]]|Sep 5, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with [[actor/Isa Bello Ja]]. Behind the scenes of the movie [[film/Alkalin Kauye]]|
|5|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1fzESJYSo|Kundin Kannywood 5 - Part 1]]|Oct 1, 2014|[[https://www.facebook.com/muhammad.galadima.56|Muhammad Galadima]] reviews [[film/Rai Dangin Goro]] and [[film/So Aljannar Duniya]]|
|5|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsdaUFBQKEQ|Kundin Kannywood 5 - Part 2]]|Oct 1, 2014|[[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews actor/musician Adamu Hassan Nagudu. Behind the scenes of [[film/Hujja]].|
|6|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUAptPUEaxk|Kundin Kannywood EP6 Part 1]]|Oct 1, 2014|Host [[actor/nura_hussain]] interviews [[producer/usman_muazu]].|
|6|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JJEgLa92M8|Kundin Kannywood EP6 Part 2]]|Oct 7, 2014|Host [[actor/nura_hussain]] interviews [[actor/kabiru_nakwango]]. Behind the Scenes of [[film/Angurya]], a film about female circumcision ([[http://hausadictionary.com/kaciya|kaciya]]), forced marriage, and inability to pay back a debt. |
|7|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owcJl_rw3w8|Kundin Kannywood EP7 Part 1]]|Oct 10, 2014|Host [[actor/nura_hussain]] talks with [[producer/usman_muazu]] as they go over [[film/Kisan Gilla]] and [[film/Ashabul Kahfi]]. |
|7|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKw_OO4qtaM|Kundin Kannywood EP7 Part 2]]|Oct 10, 2014|Host [[actor/nura_hussain]] interviews [[actress/saratu_gidado]]. |
|8|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSO8W9edHWY|Kundin Kannywood EP8 Part 1]]|Oct 24, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[producer/naziru_dan_hajiya]]. |
|8|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rox44CJogto|Kundin Kannywood EP8 Part 2]]|Oct 24, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[actress/hauwa waraka abubakar]]. |
|9|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ytyaV0Jto|Kundin Kannywood EP9]]|Nov 28, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[actress/Lubabatu Madaki]]. |
|10|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qoq528jcY74|Kundin Kannywood EP10]]|Dec 5, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews writer/marubuciya [[writer/fauziya_d_sulaiman]]. |
|11|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvV43I3d1-I|Kundin Kannywood EP11]]|Dec 15, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] Abdullahi Sani Abdullahi aka Baba Karami discuss the issue of Indian films. |
|11|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnQFRvZHNrY|Kundin Kannywood EP11 Part 2]]|Dec 15, 2014|Shirin Ga Fili Ga Mai Doki tare da [[actor/Sani Garba SK]]. Sannan kuma akwai fim din [[film/Karfen Nasara]] a shirin Bayan Fage (Behind the scenes) |
|12|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYw65Iq45hk|Kundin Kannywood EP12 Part 1]]|Dec 15, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[actress/hadiza_moh_d]]. |
|13|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6gDXvOISDE|Kundin Kannywood EP13]]|Dec 17, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[director/hafizu_bello]]. |
|14|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yYxSOTeMwo|Kundin Kannywood EP14]]|Dec 22, 2014|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[actress/Hajiya Ladin Cima]]. |
|15|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJK7oDZdCf8|Kundin Kannywood EP15]]|Jan 14, 2015|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks about the film [[film/hindu]] with [[director/Hassan Giggs]]. |
|16|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZSY3Afu8_4|Kundin Kannywood EP16]]|Jan 20, 2015|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with comedian actor/jarumi [[actor/Ibrahim Magaji (Gatari)]]. |
|17|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9sSPFEd-Mo|Kundin Kannywood EP17]]|Feb 6, 2015|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with [[actress/halima_yusuf_atete]]. |
|18|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnNm9acSWwQ|Kundin Kannywood EP18]]|Feb 6, 2015|Host Adamu Umar Mujaheed talks with actor/jarumi Muhammad B. Umar. |
|19|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO0HkDFuE-g|Kundin Kannywood EP19]]|Feb 10, 2015|Profile on [[actor/kabiru_nakwango]] and introduction of [[film/Dadin Kowa]] characters.|
|20|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnOrHr9a7JI|Kundin Kannywood EP20]]|Feb 17, 2015|Host Adamu Umar Mujaheed talks with video editor (mai hada hoto) [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/sulaiman-abubakar-25b043b7/|Sulaiman Abubakar]].|
|21|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY30YIjd9S8|Kundin Kannywood EP21]]|Mar 3, 2015|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with [[actor/Jazuli Mukaddas]].|
|22|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1hmOsdy7vU|Kundin Kannywood EP22]]|Mar 13, 2015|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] talks with editor [[editor/Abubakar Habib Ibrahim]].|
|62|[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omUXD41kmq0|Kundin Kannywood EP62]]|Jan 7, 2016|Host [[actor/aminu_shariff]] interviews [[actress/bilkisu_shema]]. Sannan, a Fitattu Goma, akwai fina-finai kamar [[film/Kurman Allo]], [[film/mata_ko_ya]], [[film/Mazan Fama 2015]] da sauransu.|
===== External Links =====
* Official website in [[http://arewa24.com/shows/kundin-kannywood/|Hausa]] and [[http://arewa24.com/en/shows/kundin-kannywood/|English]]
* [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLenlLYA0Do3nZEP4_-S9HGwwHU1OpvzaH|YouTube Playlist (Jerin Shirin a YouTube)]] or [[film/kundin_kannywood/watch|here]].
* [[https://www.flickr.com/photos/127773066@N05/albums/72157650025880048|Hotuna/Photos a Flickr]]
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