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start [2017/01/22 04:00]
admin [Welcome to!]
start [2020/11/01 01:10]
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 ====== Welcome to! ====== ====== Welcome to! ====== is a collaborative wiki-based website and directory set out to disseminate organized and accurate information about Hausa films. Hausa films (often referred to as Kannywood) is a major part of [[wp>​Nollywood|Nollywood]]((Although there are arguments and distinguishable differences to be made here... see [[http://​​772205/​fulani-hausa-film-industry-necessary|this forum thread]] for more context/​info.)),​ Nigeria'​s growing movie industry. Watching Hausa films is a good and entertaining way to learn the [[wp>​Hausa_language|Hausa language]] and also get insights into the [[wp>​Hausa_people|Hausa culture]]. Here you'll find a sortable/​filterable [[list_of_hausa_films|list of Hausa films]], [[cast_and_crew|list]] of Hausa actors and actresses, directors, producers, musicians, etc., and also [[news_and_links|news and links]] relating to the industry. This is a companion website to the youtube channel [[http://​​user/​hausafilmstv|hausafilmstv]] that's showcasing a growing number of quality Hausa films to a global audience so feel free to watch, share, and subscribe. Stay tuned!!! is a collaborative wiki-based website and directory set out to disseminate organized and accurate information about Hausa films. Hausa films (often referred to as Kannywood, the northern Nigerian film industry) is a major part of [[wp>​Nollywood|Nollywood]]((Although there are arguments and distinguishable differences to be made here... see [[http://​​772205/​fulani-hausa-film-industry-necessary|this forum thread]] and [[http://​​en/​afroscreen/​african-cinema-and-nollywood-contradictions#​footnote2_lbgfb92|this]] for more context/​info.)),​ Nigeria'​s growing movie industry. Watching Hausa films is a good and entertaining way to learn the [[wp>​Hausa_language|Hausa language]] and also get insights into the [[wp>​Hausa_people|Hausa culture]]. Here you'll find a sortable/​filterable [[list_of_hausa_films|list of Hausa films]], [[cast_and_crew|list]] of Hausa actors and actresses, directors, producers, musicians, etc., and also [[news_and_links|news and links]] relating to the industry. This is a companion website to the youtube channel [[http://​​user/​hausafilmstv|hausafilmstv]] that's showcasing a growing number of quality Hausa films to a global audience so feel free to watch, share, and subscribe. Stay tuned!!!
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   * [[http://​​2012/​01/​18/​stop-internet-censorship-protesting-sopapipa-bills-currently-before-the-u-s-congress/​|STOP INTERNET CENSORSHIP: Protesting SOPA/PIPA bills currently before the U.S. Congress]] - [[actress:​carmen_mccain]] January 18, 2012   * [[http://​​2012/​01/​18/​stop-internet-censorship-protesting-sopapipa-bills-currently-before-the-u-s-congress/​|STOP INTERNET CENSORSHIP: Protesting SOPA/PIPA bills currently before the U.S. Congress]] - [[actress:​carmen_mccain]] January 18, 2012
   * [[http://​​2011/​12/​23/​hausafilms-tv/​| — a wiki on Hausa films]] December 23, 2011   * [[http://​​2011/​12/​23/​hausafilms-tv/​| — a wiki on Hausa films]] December 23, 2011
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start.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 04:42 by admin